IT Matters Forums
The digital revolution has transformed the way insurers, brokers, agents and underwriters across the world 'do business', rolling-out an array of applications, platforms, technologies and digitised processes. It has helped companies merge operations, reduce cost, exploit revenue growth and boost security. Intech Forums' series of seminars entitled 'IT Matters' bring together experts in today's insurance-related challenges to share knowledge and stimulate debate among senior IT management about the future direction of the market’s ongoing 'technology revolution'.
Our raison d'être
“The London Market has been undergoing and continues to undergo radical change in its practices, processes and technologies. IT change is rarely easy, for anybody, but especially so in a business sector that is steeped in over 300 years of heritage and tradition. Practitioners from this Market involved in the IT and operational change process will know only too well what a difficult task they face on a daily basis. The overriding aim of the IT Matters forums is to inform, engage, educate and encourage professional interchange of concepts, ideas and practices, by way of presentations and interactive discussions led by respected academics, authors and sector professionals from the world of IT and commercial operations. The hope is that these forums will arm those responsible for business improvement and change with new tools, ideas, concepts and best practice.”
What are the costs of attending and frequency?
IT Matters forums and their companion round table “drill-down” briefings are free-to-attend-events.
Who should attend?
Senior management, IT professionals, underwriters, brokers, finance heads, business process planners, system architects, security managers, legal, regulatory and compliance executives and business analysts, these events are proving to be a valuable source of information and reference.
Where and when are the forums held?
IT Matters Forums take place quarterly, usually in the prestigious, oak-panelled Lloyd's Library, which is the meeting place of the community and located at the landmark Lloyd's building in Lime Street, London EC3. For the convenience of delegates, Forums are convened as 'lunch forums' (12.00 – 14.00) and include an introduction; presentation by experts in the field; a lively Q&A session, and a light lunch/networking segment, all extending to a focused and demanding 120-minutes. With sessions capped at 120 seats.
The follow-up 90-minute ‘IT Matters’ Forum Companion Round Table "Drill-Down" Briefing sessions are held either in the Lloyd's Building or other prime City/EC3 locations. With sessions capped at 20 seats.
These forums and briefings are marketed, managed and hosted by ITF senior personnel, supported by IT specialists from leading service providers who understand the London insurance market and its unique demands and challenges.
Chairman of 'IT Matters'
Jerry Adley
Jerry has devoted over 40 years delivering IT solutions to underwriting and broking organisations in the London Insurance Market. During this time, Jerry has had particular interest in user engagement and the delivery of measurable business benefits. While most of the time has been spent with service providers in the market, he also worked within the Lloyd's Corporation for 12 years. Today Jerry works for Verisk Analytics group. He is also Chairman of the market's popular Insurance Technology Forums (ITF) 'IT Matters' Forums Series and continues to be an enthusiastic supporter of market initiatives.